The World Dementia Council helps change the lives of people with dementia by securing change through our projects, events and publications. Through the collaborative strength of governments, industry, researchers and health and social care systems all working together we can transform the prospects for people affected by dementia in all its forms, so that the disease no longer negatively impacts on lives in the way it does today.

When the council was founded in 2013 as a result of the London Dementia Summit, dementia was brought out of the shadows and onto the global agenda, galvanising efforts not just among governmental organisations, but right across the international dementia community. It set a series of objectives for the international dementia community known collectively as the 2025 goals.

Through our projects, events and publications we review progress made since 2013 and identify key actions needed to accelerate progress further towards the 2025 goals.

  • Global Projects

    Our projects are central to our work to keep dementia on the international agenda. Because only through greater global collaboration will it be defeated. No one country or individual alone can meet what is the biggest health challenge facing the international community. Read about the current projects here

  • Gloabl Events

    The World Dementia Council brings together international leaders in dementia along with policy makers and politicians to stimulate discussion and ideas and address new and emerging issues. The Council aims to help promote a shared understanding about the challenges facing the field and how to make progress. Read more about forthcoming events taking place around the world in person and virtually

  • International Publications

    The Council publishes a series of essays from international leaders, transcripts from meetings and events along with reports on developments in dementia research, care, risk reduction and research. See all of the publications here