Our projects are central to our work to keep dementia on the international agenda. Because only through greater global collaboration will it be defeated. No one country or individual alone can meet what is the biggest health challenge facing the international community.

  • Dementia in Latin America and the Carribean

    The World Dementia Council will hold three virtual roundtable on research and clinical trials, awareness and understanding and brain health and social determinants of health. Followed by the inaugral WDC satellite summit in Latin America in 2025.

  • 2024/2025 Hope Realised? The G8 Dementia Goals

    Over the next twelve months the Council will hold a series of different events focussed on the commitments made by the G8 at the London dementia summit in 2013. The headline commitment was a disease modifying treatment by 2025. The programme will begin with a virtual workshop for core participants at the 2013 summit reflecting on the progress made and the challenges ahead. 

  • Global Dialgoues - conversations on dementia research, care and risk reduction

    The World Dementia Council held global dialogues for international dementia leaders on key topics for the field. The Council held 13 diaglogues for over four hundred participants during 2020 and 2022. The topics includes biomarkers, care provision, technology in care settings, prevention, the experience of early career researchers and the perspective of people living with dementia. After all of the sessions the Council published the transcript of the diagloue and a collection of essays from thought leaders in the field

  • Presenting a global evidence base for dementia friendly initiatives

    We are publishing a series of papers over the autumn reflecting on evidence underpinning the impact of dementia friendly initiatives. The project received examples from across government, civil society, business, and people living with dementia – from all six continents of the world.